Secondary School Alfredo da Silva

On the 5th October, the roofs of Secondary School Alfredo da Silva, in Barreiro, flew due to the strong wind that was felt, but this fact was not unconnected with the state of degradation and insecurity in which they found themselves. For this reason, classes were suspended until 15, to return to be suspended on the 19th, a result of over a fall from a roof.


On 20 October 2015, the students of this school, together with other educational community (teachers, staff and parents) took to the streets by the requirement of roadworks at school, the replacement of roofs that fell, the safety assurance students and the resumption of classes.


Adding to the roof of the problem persist serious material problems in the infrastructure, which needs immediate intervention by the Ministry of Education. Problems ranging from the deterioration of the gym roof, the windows, the constant flooding in winter, the result of infiltration, the baths have no waste disposal capacity, lack of goals, a patio that just have gravel and where several students have fallen, the lack of warming that causes many students come to the blanket of school.


As a result of the protest held on 20 October – and he joined in front of the Ministry of Education in Lisbon over two hundred students, as well as parents, teachers and staff – the students of Alfredo da Silva High School saw the works in roofs of their school to perform. However, the fight can not and must not stop here, because the school still needs to fund works to resolve the remaining issues, safeguarding these students may have decent study and safe school.