(data: 26.11.2015)
The Portuguese Communist Youth welcomes students of higher education who resist and fight for their right to a Higher Public Education, Free, Democratic and quality, like as inscribed in the fundamental law, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
On November 26, students from Porto, Lisbon, Vila Real, Braga, Bragança, Almada, Aveiro, Algarve, Coimbra and Évora, responding to the call of various structures and student associations, organized denunciation actions and protest around issues like the lack of pedagogical conditions the result of shortcomings in the teaching and non-teaching, as well as in infrastructure and other materials; tuition, fees and charges; insufficient and successively delayed scholarships; early school leaving and the thousands who are forced to work or borrow to continue to study.
The many actions and the hundreds of students involved from north to south of the country shows that students do not accept the underfunding situation of the institutions and the political moment that we live in our country requires all the fighting in order to effect a policy change which put an end to the elitism path and commodification of education.
On behalf of the IOC, we reaffirm that we will do everything so that the demands of the students are heard. We committed to continue the struggle of students and we urge that this be intensified in order to ensure, in practice, a change of policies for higher education.
The Secretariat of the Higher Education Center Directorate (DCEs) JCP